The Dark is Rising Wiki

Caradog Prichard is a Welsh farmer and the husband of Betty Prichard. He is also a poet like the real Caradog Prichard, but he is crazy. He became unhinged in part by losing out to Owen Davies on the night he tried to rape Gwen/Guinivere when she was brought forward in time with Bran. Forever his bitterness towards Davies persists and he is obsessed with his loss of Gwen and of Bran whom he feels should have beeen his son. He also stayed overnight on a Welsh mountain that is said to either make one crazy or turn one into a great poet. He has the role of shooting Bran's dog Cafall and of getting in the way of Will Stanton. Caradog is a mortal that unwittingly serves the Dark and loses his mind in the battle between the Grey King and Wil

In The Grey King, Caradog Prichard is described as being thickset and chunky and having strange small light-lashed eyes and a tousled head of raw red hair.


  • The origin of the name Caradog dates to the era of resistance to Roman conquest. In the book "The Spirit of English History by Rowse (1945), it is noted "A century after Caesar, under Claudius, the conquest was taken up again in earnest, a.d. 43. In spite of the heroic resistance of Caratacus (Caradoc), the Romans in a short space of years overran the whole Lowland zone. Their difficulties began when they reached the Highland. Even so, some thirty-five years after their landing they were in effective military occupation of Wales, a feat which the Saxons failed to accomplish and the Normans achieved only after centuries." Like his namesake, Caradog was defeated.